Monday, July 28, 2008

5 days until "White Bread" opens!

The festival starts in three days and "White Bread" opens in five. Yesterday we had our second to last rehearsal and ran through the show two full times. The first time was a little rocky, but the second run-through went really well and gives me confidence that we'll do great on Saturday. Our next rehearsal is on Wednesday and we'll be perfecting everything, including the curtain call. I really feel we're going to have an awesome show, I just hope we have a great turnout.

"White Bread," so far, will be featured in both the Stillwater gazette and the White Bear Press. Look for it near the end of this week. I really hope it helps gather an audience. In the meantime, word-of-mouth is one of the best means of advertising, so talk about us! Tell your friends, parents, cousins, roommates, sisters, brothers, cats, dogs, fish, guinea pigs... tell anything will ears. And in return, we will give you a killer show.

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