Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ten Days Left!

The Fringe Festival begins in 8 days and White Bread opens in 10. The past two months have flown by. Monday was the Fringe-For-All which was awesome. We presented the show in under three minutes and got a great response from the audience. To the right is a picture of them onstage. I think the audience especially liked  Marc's (as Ted) shirt, which read, "Everyone Loves a White Boy." I feel that if the first scene of the show was well received, then it can only go uphill from here since the opening scene is the most mild in terms of humor. Now Marc and Beth are relearning the original and extended version of that scene, which may be difficult,  but I know they can pull it off.

We have two rehearsals left which will mainly be brushing up the the scenes, working on transitions, and doing run-throughs. Our tech rehearsal is the morning of August 2, the day of our performance. Although that makes me nervous, I know that if we have everything ready it will work out fine.

Marketing is going well so far and I am currently putting together the program. Thanks to Kelly Johnson, they will be printed for free. Gotta love friends!... and fringe... and french fries... and everything else that starts with an "f."

Peace out.

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